Billy Strings
The Eastern
Atlanta , Georgia
Run: The Eastern, ATL '21
fiddle with John Mailander
5 stars
50 show
Set 1:

Billy says...
"The other night, I said something about this. It's like when I was a little kid and my dad used ta, you know, when we'd be sittin' around pickin'. We'd start off with some good fast numbers, you know, kinda like what we were just playin'. But as the night went along, and people got drunker and drunker, maybe started thinkin' about shit a little bit, gettin' in their head, you know what I mean: 'aw man, shit I really did screw up, screw things up with that girl.' [We'd] start playin' a little bit slower songs, a little bit more country flavor, and just some kinda more sad stuff. And my dad would start bustin' out the old Mac Wiseman tune. This is one that he used to do."
Set 2:
Set 1:
Set 2:
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