


  • Home page - Concerts and webcasts totals are now displayed at the top of their respective sections
  • Comments - You can now reply to comments to engage in a conversation about a show/song

v1.17.0 2022-04-24


  • Can now add a TouTube link of en entire performance to a show
  • Shows now support tags to make finding all solo/festival/etc shows easier to search for
  • songs from album pie chart - Can now click on each slice of the pie to see which songs are in each slice


  • Add Show and Setlist edit pages have been redesigned from the ground up to provide a more user friendly experience
  • Removed the undeline from the song titles on the setlist page to make it more readable

v1.16.0 2022-04-06


  • Menu > More > About - displays a little info about bmfsdb
  • "Performers" page started - this will be a bio page - not accessible to users yet, but allows "articles" relating to each performer to be added to the news feed.


  • 5 stars! - Show ratings now use a "5-star rating" system instead of a just an "upvote".


  • Pagination buttons no longer extend the page width.
  • "Featuring" on the albums detail page

v1.15.1 - 2022-03-26


  • User's unique songs page - songs that have been deleted from a setlist no longer show up here.


  • Client and server errors are now sent to rollbar for visibility.

v1.15.0 - 2022-03-20


  • Show anniversaries now show up on the news feed
  • Album Stats chart on your home page = see a chart that displays how much of each album you've seen live, webcasted, or mixlr'ed. Click on a bar to see which songs you have and have not seen from each album.
  • First Time/Last Time played now shows number of days and numbers of shows since played.


  • "Albums" is now "Discog" and includes singles and and albums that Billy guested on
  • Can now add shows that Billy sat in on - Billy and the Kids and Bela Fleck, etc, etc.
  • "Boomers" link is now called "Best of" so it makes sense.
  • Only authorized users can update setlists now.
  • Unread notifications show up at the top of the news feed


  • Today in history search option pulls up today in history properly once again

v1.14.2 - 2022-03-09


  • setlist page no longer errors while loading pie chart if a song performance isn't finished saving
  • News feed no longer 500s if a comment has been deleted

v1.14.1 - 2022-03-03


  • System message bug on newsfeed

v1.14.0 - 2022-03-03


  • Can now add articles/podcasts from other websites - these are linked to a concert, tour, festival, or run (more options coming soon). Soon you'll be able to easily find all articles about a particular show.
  • New posters now show up on the Newsfeed


  • Multiple tour dates are aggregated into a single Newsfeed item

v1.13.3 - 2022-02-28


  • Youtube activity on newsfeed now shows song title and concert link


  • Unique Songs For User > Mixlr'ed - now shows the right concerts

v1.13.2 - 2022-02-28


  • Unique songs page for user is working again

v1.13.1 - 2022-02-27


  • Facebook sharing was broken due to using a dev api key


  • "Events" page is started to make adding a "Festival" to a show after the fact.

v1.13.0 - 2022-02-26


  • Newsfeed! New Newsfeed page to show recent site activity. Currently, includes new show comments, new tour dates, and system messages.
  • Alerts - You'll be alerted to site activity that may pertain to you by a red notification badge on your newsfeed icon.
  • Upvotes - You can now upvote another user's show comment by clicking the "heart" icon.
  • Share it! New "Share" button in the lower left-hand corner of every page. Share that page to Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link.
  • Flag it! New "Flag" icon on each setlist song and songs page will allow you to easily report an incorrect entry.
  • "Help" button on setlist page, in case you don't know what all those fancy icons do.
  • "Songs from album" pie chart on each setlist page to display how many songs were played from each album.


  • Street address can now be stored for a venue.
  • Usernames must now be unique.
  • "Boomer" songs - Now uses a star icon instead of the heart icon.
  • "Edit setlist" button now floats in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.


  • My States map - Legend doesn't overlap the legend any longer
  • Songs page - Bug introduced in 1.12.0 where the labels for First Time Played and Last Time Played got swapped (Good catch, @sayLOVE)
  • Profile picture no longer displayed on your home page


  • The internal structure for album tracks has been updated so Fiddle Tune X can be added to the database. Dos Banjos is on both albums, and the old structure prevented us from having the same song on two different albums.
  • Looks like a couple devs are joing the bmfsdb team! Scripts and documentation have been included to get them up and running faster. Welcome aboard!
  • song_stats now runs as a half-hourly cron job

v1.12.0 - 2022-02-17


  • Home page now shows unique and total songs for both your webcasted and mixlr'ed shows
  • "Your Songs" now has a dropdown so you can see counts for live, webcasted, mixlr'ed or all.


  • Show dates are now displayed as a "Date Widget" which includes the weekday


  • Your unique songs list no longer shows a song with a reprise as being played 2x in a show (Thanks for the bug report, Cullen!)

v1.11.0 - 2022-02-11


  • Couch Tour! - You can now mark shows that you listened to on mixlr or livestreamed and see them on your home page under the "Couch Tour" section
  • Show search - You can now filter search results by tags and/or sit-ins - do you want to find which shows Billy had one of his famous musical "blackouts" that John Mailander sat in? We can do that!


  • Shows list page is more mobile friendly
  • Loading indicator when clicking boomer, attended, livestreamed, or mixlr-ed


  • No longer throws an error if an sit in artist is in the process of being added to a show

v 1.10.0 - 2022-02-06


  • Floating "Back" button on the bottom of every page to make navigating back on mobile more user friendly
  • More > Songs Venn Diagram - select 2 or more songs to create a venn diagram of all the times those songs were played. Click on a section of the diagram to see a list of the shows.
  • Songs page - more detailed song stats, most common songs played before and after, sets opened, sets closed and more.
  • Songs page - new "Reset Filters" button to clear search terms and original artist filter.
  • FESTIVAL!!!! - Better support for festivals


  • Add poster page - artist picker now has a search input to find artists faster


  • Setlist view - No longer throws an error if someone tries to view a setlist that is in the middle of having a tease added to a song.

v1.9.0 - 2022-01-22


  • New song edit panel to update/fix song details after a song is first added to the database
  • Songs page - a song can now have a Spotify link added to it, so you can listen to the original version of a song
  • Tags! - Footnotes such as 'solo, acapella' can be added as a tag instead of a note, to make for more consistent foot notes and eassier searching (coming soon)
  • User list - now has a search function to find by user name
  • User list - clicking on a user name will let you see that user's song/show upvotes


  • Song boomer votes view has now moved to the Songs page
  • Poster details ans poster edit pages are now mobile friendly
  • Comments - profile pictures are displayed properly on mobile devices


  • Setlist song comments now save properly again

v1.8.0 - 2022-01-14


  • Can now login/register with Facebook or Google - This works for existing accounts as long as the Facebook/Google account uses the same email address as your bmfsdb account
  • New smarter select oicker for adding songs to setlists and song picker filter by original artist
  • Merch > Details view - Added an "Edit" button so details can be updated
  • Poster details - Can now see artist's facebook, instagram, and twitter pages, if we have them
  • A countdown timer has been added for the next show, your next show, and at the top of the page for any upcoming show
  • "Add New Show" button added under the new "Options" sidebar on the Shows List page
  • Setlist Edit page
    • "Move up", "Move down", "Insert song above", "Insert song below", options on each song now
    • "Add Billyism", "Add Tease", "Add sit-in", "Remove song" buttons moved into a dropdown menu (with the new options) Click the song position number to access all options.


  • Shows List View - Per page, random show, and Past / Upcoming / Today in History - All moved to an "Options" sidebar
  • Shows can now be for a "Band" other than Billy Strings - To account for Family Strings, and the Don Julian Trio.
  • Error pages look much better, links look like links, sort of


  • Poster edit - switching poster types is now fully supported
  • A dead link to a setlist gives a 404 error instead of a 500
  • Setlist view page - no longer gives a 500 error if there is a half set-up sit in artist.
  • Fixed setlist position renumbering bug when a song is deleted.
  • Bug when adding a new song to a setlist

v1.7.0 2022-01-08


  • Home page - User badges - A new 'My Badges' section is available on the homepage that will give you a high level overview of all you stats e.g. year of your first show, if you've seen all of a particular album, donor status (more below), and more

  • "Become a patron" button - I want to keep the site ad-free, but hosting things on the interwebs costs money. If you want to support the cause you can sign up through patreon to help cover hosting charges.

  • Users list - under the "More" menu option - see all users of the site sorted by number of shows seen buy some tickets and race to the top of the list.

  • youtube links - Each song on a setlist can now point to a youtube version of that song. Send us your favorites or reach out if you're interested in helping update setlists.

  • discogs links - Merch Types of CD and Vinyl can now have a link to the discogs page for that particular variant

  • Songs page - Plays - displays sit-in artists and the attended button

  • Footer - added link to the r/bmfsdb in case someone doesn't want to reach out via discord, facebook, twitter, or e-mail. Might even add a p.o. box next, for those that prefer snail mail. :-)

  • More > Shortcuts - Links to useful external pages endorsed by bmfsdb. Examples are the official Billy Strings website and youtube channel

  • Setlist edit page

    • Can now delete a song, in case you clicked the "add song" button one too many times accidentally.
    • Can now have "Notes" for the entire show or for a song
    • Can now mark a song as a "Jam" if it's more than a tease, but not the whole song


  • Shows can now be marked as Canceled or Rescheduled. RIP my NYE tickets :-(

  • Merch descriptions can now hold 65,000 characters instead of 255


  • Editing setlists - "Empty" teases, sit-ins, and billyisms are now cleaned up when a setlist is saved

v1.6.2 - 2021-12-31


  • Setlist page - Poster "Details" button now works
  • Songs page is mobile friendly!
  • Setlist edit page is mobile friendly
  • Merch add cd - album field is required

v1.6.1 - 2021-12-30


  • Navbar links for albums and merch are properly highlighted when the pages are active
  • Album view - tracks are sorted properly now
  • Songs view - Original artist is displayed again
  • Show edit view - Original artist sit in dropdown is displayed instead of text input
  • Show edit view - Adding multiple teases between saves works

v1.6.0 - 2021-12-29


  • We have lyrics! (For ~400ish songs anyway)
  • We got albums! List of Billy's albums with track listing and time played live per track.
  • You can now upload a show photo along with your show comment
  • You can now add stickers. pins, and records to your collection (as they get added to the database)
  • Neat little plays per year chart on the song page
  • Implemented a simple API for programmatically querying the db


  • Better support for reprises
  • Editing setlists and posters should be a little smoother now

v1.5.0 - 2021-12-23


  • Posters are here!
    • Each poster can have information/pictures of multiple variants
    • A poster can be either a show, a run, a tour, a festival, or a commemorative poster
    • Clicking "Details" will let you add "have" or "want" to track your collection/wishlist
  • Links on each setlist to search or listen on nugs (nugs links are still being updated)
  • A choropleth map has been added to show which states you've seen Billy in the most!
  • Message on password reset screen to check spam/junk folder


  • Cute little hearts instead of the "up arrow" for upvoting songs/shows
  • Contact informatino added to the 500 error page


  • Adding "billyisms" and "teases" have been moved to a dedicated "Edit" page to clean up the setlist view
  • New users no longer get a 500 page after signing up
  • Adding new songs/teases

v1.4.0 - 2021-12-19


  • Can now toggle between past/upcoming shows and mark yourself as "Attending" a future show
  • Home view now has a 'Stats' section with unique song stats, first, last, next show
  • "Goto random setlist" and "Today in history" buttons on the shows list
  • Adding and editing of setlists is now in beta and available to select users
  • Loading indicator on that slow setlist page load... End goal is to speed it up, but this is better than nothing
  • Concert picture now displays on a shared link
  • Links to the newly created social media pages
  • Probably something else I forgot - I code better than I document


  • All the sections on the 'Home' page now have pagination, instead of a long ol' list
  • A song on a setlist now supports multiple sit in artists
  • Lots of mobile friendly UI/UX improvements

v1.3.1 - 2021-12-13


  • Can now add multiple sit-in artist to a show


  • Setlist doesn't render in a random order after an edit is made
  • Several invisible database improvements

v1.3.0 - 2021-12-12


  • Can now add a "sit-in artist" to a show
  • "Set #" headings for each set in the setlist view
  • Can go to a Song's page by clicking on the song title in a setlist
  • Can now filter songs list by original artist


  • Using the "back" button to return to the shows page remembers your page count/filter options
  • Minor layout improvements


  • Line breaks render properly in billyisms and comments

v1.2.2 - 2021-12-06


  • Setlist view that has a comment on it loads for a guest user (regresssion from 1.2.0)

v1.2.1 - 2021-12-06


  • Setlist view loads for guest users (regression from 1.2.0)

v1.2.0 - 2021-12-05


  • new 'Home' page that displays a logged-in user's shows and votes
  • Can now add a comment to a show, instead of only on a song from a show
  • Dynamic tags for "First time played", "Last time played", and "Only time played" on the setlists view
  • Warning message on updating profile picture that explains that "save" still has to be pressed after the picture is uploaded


  • Can now edit/delete a comment


  • No longer hangs while a comment or billyism save is being processed

v1.1.0 - 2021-12-04


  • Boomers > Song Search screen has a search box now
  • Setlist screen
    • Can now add/view teases
    • Links to next/previous show at bottom of screen
  • Email link at the bottom of every page
  • Changelog page


  • Billyisms and comments now support markdown
  • Several UI improvements on Setlist and Boomers > Song Search screens


  • Shows screen: Enter key now initiates the search
  • Sorting order on Boomers > Songs screens
  • Pagination buttons use bootstrap classes