Billy Strings
4.75 stars
59 show
Set 1:
Set 2:

Billy says...
To Bill Nershi:
Yeah Billy! Hey, we're the three Billy's right here man. Billy tres!
It's always funny, there's always somebody, Bill, Bill's, Billy's, Bill's and Bill's there's probably about 4 or 5 of us here, and it's really funny when somebody goes "Really!" and I turn around like "yeah?" You ever do that Billy?
Set 1:
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Set 2:
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Previous Show
- Jill Conklin
- Cosmo
- Fluffhead
- DidiW
- PAJim
- David Loetz
- Marc Cerniglia
- Petey Lee
- Josh Sed
- Ian Gawronski
- Lucas Broyles
- Alex Kearney
- Bree Novak
- corey
- Maxwell P Taylor
- McLain
- Maggie Z
- Gratefulwatcher
- Jamie Dailey
- DanK
- Michelle S
- Seth
- Evan Segal
- Rachel Hornay
- Darcy DeGuise
- Eric Rapp
- Matt DeGuise
- oldslewfoot
- Alexandra
- Erika Wey
- Mike Johnson
- pizzaphlyer
- Lauren Gamet
- jay ess
- JFrenkel21
- Daniel Keck
- Spencer
- David Pullen
- John Munn
- Coach
- James Kennedy
- Whitney
- Sarah Bergen
- rooster
- Matty Morrin
- Kylec3co
- Devin
- Emma Stone
- Kaitlin Cavanaugh
- Patrick Powers
- tyler Simpson
- Eddie Grafton
- Mike Gaughan
- Erica Pressley
- Chris Dlouhy
- Jon Riley
- Andy Jans
- Brandon Sigaty
- Keith Yoder
- Cosmo
- PAJim
- chooglincharley
- lisa ws
No review yet for this concert.
- Fire Line
- Running the Route
- Leaders
- Know It All
- Hellbender
- Home
- Everything's the Same
Cover Songs
- Psycho
- Ernest T Grass
- How Mountain Girls Can Love
- In Case You Ever Change Your Mind
- Midnight on the Highway
- Bluegrass Breakdown
- Restless Wind
- Purple Strains (Earl's Song)
- Black Clouds
- Mission in the Rain
- All Fall Down
- Y'all Come
No Album
- Bronzeback
Turmoil & Tinfoil
- Pyramid Country
- Little Maggie

2021-10-15 00:00:00
Mission Ballroom
Denver, Colorado 2021-10-17 00:00:00
Mission Ballroom
Denver, Colorado
Mission Ballroom
Denver, Colorado 2021-10-17 00:00:00
Mission Ballroom
Denver, Colorado