Billy Strings
Lakefront Arena
New Orleans , Louisiana
Run: New Years
Played on Billy's Martin, presumably due to the airline damage to the Thompson.
5 stars
- dionysus
- Chip Lee
- David Loetz
- Kelsie
- Matthew slaughter
- Chris Abell
- Konnor Jackson
- Brady Eaves
- ChrisK
- Cole Hays
- Reid Hogue
- Freeway
- Z B
- Jake Nolan
- Christine carmer
- Lexi Brantley
- Rob
- Zach Matthews
- Megan Olson
- DownSouthJukin'
- Dingus McKringus
- Eddie Fitzpete
- Kelsey
- Bob Helbert
- Dubscabar
- Melanie
- cdw
- Rodph
- Adam Entringer
- Amy Whitear
- Matt Yadlosky
- Tangled Up In Bluegrass
- Chris Puckett
- Daniel Fallon
- Granimal
- Kerri
- Lauren Fraser
- IntrovertedPeacock
- Christi Read
- Angela Wolfe
- Katie chica
- Travis
- John
- Startella
- TropicalDisease
- Katy Mae Daly Sawyer
- Jackisscrambled
- Trey Russell
- Ryan Little
- Kira
- Allison Price Bishop
- Whodatrebs420
- Kelly Russell
- judson williams
- Cole
- Samwise
- Barry Tillis
- Scott Brown
- Brian Hamele
- Seth
- Daniel Moulton
- ChrisK
- Freeway
- Z B
Set 1:
The Fire on My Tongue >
Billy Strings
Billy came out with the Martin that first made its appearance in Asheville, presumably because of the damage to the Thompson about which Billy has posted and spoken.
Billy Strings
Billy came out with the Martin that first made its appearance in Asheville, presumably because of the damage to the Thompson about which Billy has posted and spoken.
Set 2:
Billy says...
Well we got a little song here, come up with one day about... my friend who we sent to pick up all the pizzas.
Justin Holmes
I presumed that Billy was saying "pieces", as in "pick up all the pieces", but I went back and listened several times, and it certainly does sound like "pizzas" - is this an inside joke about this song?
I presumed that Billy was saying "pieces", as in "pick up all the pieces", but I went back and listened several times, and it certainly does sound like "pizzas" - is this an inside joke about this song?
Billy says...
We just moved our capos to the fourth fret, and you know what that means! That means we're in B! The key of B! What a great key. That's the key where we can drink that mash and talk that trash.
Set 1:
Next Show
Last Time Played!
Set 2:
Next Show
Last Time Played!
- The Fire on My Tongue
- Show Me the Door
- Know It All
- Ice Bridges
- This Old World
- Hide and Seek
- Must Be Seven
- Taking Water
- Away From the Mire
- Long Forgotten Dream
Cover Songs
- Psycho
- Ole Slew-Foot
- Tangled Up in Blue
- Down Yonder
- Thunder
- The Two Sisters
- Train 45
- Ernest T Grass
- John Deere Tractor
- I'm Still Here
- Steam Powered Aereo Plane
- Let Me Ride in Your Big Cadillac
- Proud Mary
Turmoil & Tinfoil
- Pyramid Country
- While I'm Waiting Here
- On the Line
No Album
- Gone a Long Time
- How Mountain Girls Can Love
Highway Prayers
- My Alice